How to reduce risks

total grazing Apr 26, 2021

I have stated: selective grazing leads to overgrazing when you have high to very high stocking rates.

I say this because by doing selective grazing we, by definition, leave a shorter rest to grazed paddocks and the herd returns sooner to re graze what was grazed.  Whenever rainfall diminishes the best species get re grazed before they have had the chance to fully replenish their energy reserves in crown/roots which means they are being over grazed.

Overgrazing occurs when an individual plant is re grazed before it has fully recovered from a previous grazing.  It has nothing to do with severity of grazing and it’s a function of time.  That is the reason why they advise to lower stocking rate when they get less rainfall.

With Total grazing we avoid overgrazing by taking more cow/days per grazing which allows for a much longer rest period.  Short rest periods in a short drought situation causes overgrazing.

Remember, stocking rate or the number of productive animals you can maintain at a low cost per year determines profitability.  This means that having the highest stocking rate possible leads to higher profits if done right.

When we implement a Total grazing program it entails, by default, much longer rest periods on average.  It is these longer rest periods that protect you from short-term droughts as your animals are concentrated in much less area with the rest of the ranch/farm ready to respond to any rainfall that may come.

We also know exactly how many days of good grass we have left at any moment after grass growth stops.  This allows for months of planning before having to de stock which gives you an advantage over other management styles.

I hope these series is clear and helps you to make the decision to consider Total grazing to maximize your profits while improving your land the fastest.


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