Ease of management thanks to adapted genetics

Uncategorized Feb 20, 2021

For ease of management, the less cattle groups the better.

I am often asked how many groups of cattle we need to have for optimum results.

My answer is always: less groups is easier for you and achieves better animal impact.

I have the large group with mature cows, first and second calf heifers.

The weaned heifer group until they get bred, once they are bred, they go with the large group.

The Bulls group, where the weaned intact Bull calves go, 3 months after weaning.

Some months there is only one group, breeding season, and the rest of the year we may have two to three groups.

The only groups we move daily, 4 times per day, are the weaned heifer group and the large group, the Bulls are moved only once every 3-7 days to reduce the workload on us.

To make this easier we use a Kubota side by side where the temporary electric fences are put out and taken off without dismounting.

A word of warning: This is possible, at very high stocking rate, only with adapted genetics that have been correctly selected for high whole ranch profitability.  Ranchers that have many groups to take care of usually have high individual animal performance cattle and fail to reap the benefits of improving their actual and future profits to the maximum.


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