#91 Ranching Made Simple Membership

Uncategorized Jan 16, 2024

Hello, I'm Jim Elizondo from Real Wealth Ranching and our goal is to help you maximize your productivity while improving your land faster. 

I hope you all had a very nice end of the year with your loved ones and that you are ready and eager to have success in regenerating your land this 2024. You want to be a good steward of your land, regardless of acreage, and you want to take good care of your livestock and have them in optimal health so they can be productive and you can be happy with them and your land.

If you are listening today, it’s because you are interested in regenerative grazing. You see we can regenerate our land with the correct grazing of our livestock, where forage plants, along with our livestock grazing them, create soil, living soil that is high in humus or slow-cycling carbon content. Livestock forages and soil form a symbiosis for the betterment of them all, but we need to include in that symbiosis our monetary or economic needs.

We have been bombarded by so many names of different grazing programs, there are around 9 different names out there! When in reality there are only two styles of grazing: selective grazing, or low harvest efficiency grazing, which almost all of those different named grazing programs follow, and non-selective or high harvest efficiency grazing like in the Total Grazing Program that I teach and gives a much higher grass productivity and lower cost.  More grass for today and the future and improves your soil year after year.

The truth is that plants grow in soil, this is evident in nature, and we can observe it everywhere. The secret is that grass, pruned by herbivores creates much better soils than forest, and is how most of the world's best soils were created, under grasslands and herbivores.

Nature is complicated and a good grazing program could be very complicated if we do not understand the basics.

We start with how HUMUS, our real soil fertility, is really created. And it's not created by litter or decaying roots of grazed forage plants. Most humus, slow-cycling carbon, is created by root exudates, a high-energy liquid that plants release through their roots to farm soil microbes which in turn make nutrients available to the plants. It is a symbiosis, and both, the plant and the microbes benefit. What was not fully understood until a few years ago, is the % of new humus created by the dead bodies of these microbes fed by the plant root exudates, we were wrongly told that humus was mainly created by the decaying plant material or litter. Now we know that microbes bodies fed by this liquid exuded by plants account for 70 to 90% of the new humus, slow-cycling carbon, created per acre per year. This changes the whole paradigm of how we should graze as the style of grazing will determine how leafy the regrowth will be and green leaves are better for your livestock AND create energy through photosynthesis!

Well, nature is complicated but we can make our management simple by observing and knowing what we are looking for when observing.

We have been working, me and my team, on creating a new and affordable membership program for people who really want to start regenerating their land with their livestock at a low cost, and it doesn’t matter if their land base is huge or small as basic plant physiology applies to one acre or tens of thousands of acres, the principles and management are the same, of course with considerations to adjust to your particular property.

This new membership includes an online, on-demand, easy-to-implement 6-step plan which we named Ranching Made Simple to exemplify the simple message and simple implementation of starting to maximize your profits and productivity while you improve your land the fastest with your livestock.

This plan is designed for livestock owners of all types and livestock species, larger ranches, farms, small acreage, low numbers of livestock, or huge numbers of livestock. 

Our goal is that you start changing your paradigm and visualize what is possible when you understand how your livestock can be efficient at converting your grass while improving your land at a very low cost. 

This on-demand membership training is designed as steps, easy steps that you can implement at the lowest cost and best results possible. It is not black or white where you either do it all or do not do it at all. There is usually more than one way to get good results, and I want you to start picking the low-hanging fruit and start getting good results the fastest; these initial successes will empower you to continue learning and implementing. 

Now, about the importance of the steps in the membership: Many times we can start learning something and then go back and realize that our growth made us make mistakes, by following the Ranching Made Simple membership plan you will build cumulative results that will continue to build your next steps into your final outcome: Maximum profitability while you improve your land the fastest. 

Maybe you have heard this: Those who fail to plan are planning to fail, be one of the few who have success from the very start!

After going through the Ranching Made Simple Membership training you will be empowered to think differently, understand how forage plants really grow, and how you can get much higher productivity and soil improvement by minimizing overgrazing, overgrazing is re-grazing a plant before it has fully recovered. You are going to learn how to achieve a huge increase in grass productivity per acre by minimizing overgrazing even at very high stocking rates, and without using fertilizers as we go beyond organic. We follow low-cost biological methods, just as in nature.

With the Ranching Made Simple membership, which costs a very low monthly fee, you will have the information delivered in a simple way to empower you to understand and implement complex knowledge with simple steps, and best of all, you will be able to watch the lesson and go back and watch them again as you implement and learn, unlike an on-site course where you may forget many important details.

These steps are:

Step 1. Plant physiology and soil fertility made simple

Step 2. Infrastructure simplified 

Step 3. Grazing management simplified

Step 4. Nutrition Simplified

Step 5. Birthing season simplified

Step 6. Livestock Selection Simplified

Each of these steps has different lessons with the most important aspects for success without making them complicated. You will thoroughly understand complex and deep knowledge, presented in a simple way to fully understand the most important things, and in a simple to implement correct way to get the results you have always wanted. You will understand what is wrong with selective grazing at very high stocking rates. You will understand why a very high stocking rate is necessary to get high profitability and high grass productivity and you will be able to save much money on hay feeding by grazing your livestock on stockpiled grass in the difficult seasons of the year. No matter how many animals you maintain, stockpiling grass in an área to be used later, is a sure way to improve your land while you save money on hay, silage, or supplements.

I believe there is no better low-cost membership out there anywhere in the world and you can start your regenerative journey by making this membership your first step where you will learn more, you can commit to this membership while you keep improving your land and your profits at a low cost and in a simple and easy to implement way.

The Ranching Made Simple will be available in just a week from today!

This is an affordable membership that helps livestock owners be profitable and improve their land. The Ranching Made Simple Membership is launching in just 7 days. Join the waitlist to be the first to hear about it and enjoy an early bird deal as well as early bird access!

Join the waitlist at www.rwranching.com/rmswaitlist

I am also planning to offer free training on these steps next week so make sure that you join the waitlist to get all the details and be able to attend.

Once again, the link is www.rwranching.com/rmswaitlist

I hope you liked this podcast and make sure you join the waitlist for the Ranching Made Simple membership at  www.rwranching.com/rmswaitlist to be the first to hear about it and enjoy an early bird deal.

We'll see you on the next podcast 

May God bless you.


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