#111 Total Grazing Program's Real Results You Can See for Yourself

Uncategorized Jun 04, 2024

If you have heard about the Total Grazing Program or Real Wealth Ranching or Jim Elizondo, you may have wondered why they make such bold claims. Like, you can double your stocking rate compared to rotational grazing which was already double conventional or set stocking grazing management!

How can they state that long-lived soil organic carbon is our soil’s real fertility? And why does he claim that it is mainly created when stockpiling grasses and NOT when rotationally grazing?

First, we need to know that green leaves produce energy by photosynthesis, and stems consume energy by respiring. This means that the type of grazing will have a huge impact on how many green leaves will be created and how many stems will be left attached to the plant and continue to consume energy from the plant’s reserves which are in the crown and roots.

Okay, this means we need leafy pastures to increase the net energy produced by our pastures.

Then, we need to realize that if we leave stems attached to the plant, they will keep consuming energy and your plant’s total energy will be lower. When we do the Total Grazing Program correctly, we enhance the green leaves-to-stem ratio in the regrowth which means we will have high energy plants and high energy plants feed your livestock better. Plus, high-energy plants can feed soil life with a high-energy liquid they return by the roots to the soil.

It becomes a virtuous cycle where the more energy is created by more green leaves per square yard, gives a higher energy plant that creates fat soil, high in soil long-lived organic carbon, which is needed to grow more nutritious forages.

Then you start stockpiling the excess grass your herd or flock cannot keep up with, you do this for two things, in reality it's many more but lets start with 2:

  1. To save up to $300 per cow per year on hay.
  2. To make your soil spongier.

Let me explain, when you stop or greatly diminish hay feeding and instead rely on homegrown standing hay with no diesel used, you can save much money and maintain your livestock in good body condition.

Then, when you rest the land for a long period, like a full growing season, the soil mycorrhiza and fungi have the time to make your soil spongier aided by the stronger roots of your best forages.

Now, if you still have questions or doubts, come to the onsite course I will give in Tallahassee, Florida at the Ayavalla Land LLC this next June 21 and 22.

You will learn and see all this plus much more, the course agenda is in this link: www.rwranching.com/tallahassee2024 

Once you see this in action, you will be convinced. And just like people that have stopped smoking, you will feel like telling other people what you have learned and are implementing in your own land with your livestock.

You will see how easy and simple it is to minimize overgrazing even at high to very high stocking rates.

How stockpiling grass, even low-quality grass, is much easier than you ever thought.

You will observe the docility and health of the composite breed we are creating for this specific high heat index/low grass quality environment.

And most of all, you will have a good time interacting with same-minded fellow livestock owners that want to maximize their profits while they improve their land and livestock genetics the fastest.

Do not miss this rare opportunity to learn and see what is possible in reaching your land’s potential!

May God bless you and see you in Tallahassee! 



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