#126 Another Secret that will Give you Much Higher Profits at a Very Low Cost

Uncategorized Sep 24, 2024

Hello, I am Jim Elizondo from Real Wealth Ranching. I have been teaching classes for a long time now. They focus on boosting profits and enhancing land value simultaneously.

We call it the Total Grazing Academy. We manage four programs:

  • the Total Grazing Program
  • Adapted Genetics and Selection Guidelines
  • the Optimal Calving Season
  • and Nutrition When Grazing

These courses aim to maximize your stocking rate. It is the main factor in your profits, not weaning weights, daily gains, or anything else.

Your profits will depend on how many productive animals you can maintain at a low cost per year.

These are simple math. The more productive livestock you keep at a low cost, the more you will reduce your annual costs per animal.

Wouldn't you want to have twice or thrice the productive livestock at a lower cost per animal than ever before?

People are usually put off by this larger number of livestock. They think they will need to spend more on hay in the lean seasons to feed them. But, it is not so in reality.

What if I told you something that you may have heard before but maybe did not consider its importance?

What if a simple step could boost your stocking rate by 40%? It would double your profits and cut your hay and labor costs. It would also reduce your problems.

This secret is not hidden, it is in plain view for all to consider

Do you remember my last podcast? I said the stocking rate is the main factor in profits.  

This secret, in plain view, also follows nature. It will boost your grass conversion efficiency. How many pounds of produce you get per ton of grass you produce

I already explained how the total grazing program works. It boosts grass productivity by reducing overgrazing. Overgrazing is when we graze grass before it has recovered.

Now, I will give you another low-cost step. It will be explained in depth in our free masterclass, "3 Low-Cost Steps to Boost Your Productivity Big Time!"

Nature always strives for maximum productivity per acre. We can observe how it achieves this. 

In nature, wild ruminants, have their offspring when grass is green and abundant.

It keeps the mother in good condition and the grass abundant. It boosts milk for their young. They grow fast and escape predators.

By imitating nature, we can increase our profits. Our livestock should calve when the grass is green and abundant. This will boost our stocking rate, the key to our profits.

Yes, an optimum calving season will allow you to increase your stocking rate!

Consider this; a dry cow requires half the nutrient intake that a lactating cow requires.

Lactating cows on green, abundant grass will lower your costs and labor. You'll also be able to carry many more productive, low-cost animals.

Isn’t this a win-win? Lower costs, a higher stocking rate, and less labor. All from a simple, low-cost step.

You can almost double your profits by optimizing your calving season. This is true even if you don't change your genetics, or grazing management. It applies even if you don't learn about nutrition when grazing.

Body condition at calving affects your cows' fertility. So, this simple step will boost your herd's fertility. When will your cows be fatter at a high to very high stocking rate? In the winter/dry season? Or when the grass is plentiful and green?

If we let the Bulls be with our cows year-round, we'll get calves born in the dry season, and in winter. That will cost us dearly. A lactating cow needs double the nutrients of a dry cow. It makes sense to have our cows dry in the lean season of the year.

I know it is easier to manage your Bulls by leaving them with your cows year-round. But, the cost of this will be huge. It is much greater than just separating them. You should breed your cows at the short, correct season to have them calve when they should.

In winter, your cows will be dry. You will save money by feeding them much less hay and supplements.

A short, correct calving season will use less labor than year-round or winter calving.

For those calving in the Fall, due to unadapted genetics or on tall fescue, remember this: After Autumn, Winter follows. In Winter, grass growth slows or stops.

Conclusions and recap:

  • The secret in plain view that nature shows us, is an Optimal calving season
  • A lactating cow requires around double the nutrient intake than a dry cow
  • An optimal calving season allows you to save much money on hay and labor
  • An optimal calving season will let you increase your stocking rate by 40%. This is due to better use of your green grass season.
  • Leaving your Bulls with your cows to make it easy costs you. It causes calves to be born when the grass is not green. Cows then need more nutrients than brown grass provides. They will require more hay and supplements.
  • Attend our free masterclass, 3 low cost steps to increase your productivity big time to learn more about an optimal calving season.
  • An optimal calving season will boost your herd's fertility. It will ensure your cows are in peak condition at calving. This alone should be a great motivator as real-life fertility determines a cow’s profitability for you!

Thank you for listening. I hope you like this. I hope you are eager to attend our free masterclass on how to do more with less: "3 Low-Cost Steps to Boost Your Productivity Big Time!" and improve your land at the same time.

Thank you for listening and see you in the free masterclass, "3 Low-Cost Steps to Boost Your Productivity Big Time!"


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